Comparative evaluation on the behaviour and anxiety of children using two rubbber dam systems- A pilot study

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Nikitha Suzanne Varghese
Lavanya Govindaraju


Rubberdam, anxiety, behaviour, Optradam, isolation


Introduction: For isolating the operative field during clinical dental treatments, rubber dams are recommended. Paediatric dentists frequently omit the rubber dam because their young patients refuse to comply or because they believe it would induce stress.
Materials and method: Twenty primary mandibular molars from 10 children between the ages of 6 to 9 requiring endodontic procedures were included and either conventional rubber dam or an optradam were placed. The objective and subjective signs of anxiety and behviour of the child were assessed during placement and removal of the rubber dam.
Results: The time taken for placement of Optradam was longer than the conventional rubber dam.The pvalue was > 0.05 hence the time taken for the placement of the conventional rubber dam is significantly lesser when compared to the optradam. The comparison of the FLACC, VAS and Frankl scores had a pvalue<0.05, hence there was no difference in the behaviour or anxiety of the children druing placement and removal of the two rubber dam systems.
Conclusion: The usage of the types of rubber dams didnot affect the behaviour and anxiety levels of children. Rubber dams provide a superior and efficient treatment for the patient as well as the operator

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