Identification of Adolescent Behavioral Tendencies After Utilization of Health Promotion Applications About Pre-Pregnancy Care Based on the Health Belief Model Framework

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Firda Fibrila
Sri Sulistyowati
Muhammad Akhyar
Anik Lestari


Adolescents, Behavior, Preparation for pre-pregnancy


Background: Increasing knowledge and attitudes towards pregnancy preparation is one of the earliest possible efforts to produce a healthy pregnancy. This study aims to identify behavioral tendencies regarding pregnancy preparation in adolescents by applying the Health Belief Model.
Methods: A total of 300 adolescents in Metro City participated in an experimental study on the use of health promotion application media. Identification of behavioral tendencies regarding pregnancy preparation is explained using hierarchical regression on knowledge, attitudes, peers, access to information, and perception constructs in the Health Belief Model.
Results: Benefits ← friends (R=0.016, ρ=0.026), obstacles ← friends (R=0.106, ρ=0.001), barriers ← knowledge (R=0.016, ρ=0.045), motivation ← benefits (R=0.286, ρ =0.001), motivation ← obstacles (R=0.286, ρ=0.007), attitude ← knowledge (R=0.088, ρ=0.001), behavior ← attitude (R=0.160, ρ=0.005), behavior ← motivation (R=0.160 , ρ=0.001), behavior ← access (R=0.160, ρ=0.009).
Conclusion: Identification of behavioral tendencies that are influenced by peers, access to media, and the HBM constructs in this study can be a basis for midwives for health promotion interventions. In addition, the use of digital media is a wise choice to start early pre-pregnancy preparation for teenagers.

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