Estimation of Preptin, Myostatin and Some Biochemical Parameters in Diabetic Mellitus Patients

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Noora Wael Rasheed


correlation, Homo-IR, LDL, triglycerides and VLDL


A defect in how the body controls and utilizes sugar is diabetes type 2 (glucose). This chronic (long-term) illness causes an excess of sugar to circulate in the blood. Over time, issues with the cardiovascular, neurological, and immune systems may result from high blood sugar levels. The purpose of this research was to determine how diabetes mellitus affected a few biochemical variables as well as how those variables affected one another. This study included fifty patients suffering from diabetic mellitus and another 50 healthy subjects. Insulin, preptin and myostatin levels have been evaluated by using commercial ELISA kit. Glycated hemoglobin, fasting blood sugar (FBS),  cholesterol,LDL, HDL and VLDL have been estimated by using biochemical tests. levels of fasting blood sugar, HbA1c,  insulin, insulin resistance, preptin, cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, LDL, VLDL, and myostatin showed a higher levels in patient than in control (156.9880 vs 91.1440), (7.5660 vs 5.1560), (13.9190 vs 6.3408), (8.5928 vs 4.3254), (77.0955 vs 35.8797), (211.5625 vs 120.4149), (215.0857 vs 80.8269), (66.003 vs 26.539), (102.5416 vs 77.7102), (43.0171 vs 16.1654), (6.303 vs 0.313), respectively. the levels of the studied parameters also showed a significant positive correlation between each other, except the correlation between  HOMO-IR and each of preptin, insulin, triglycerides, LDL, VLDL.

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