Comparison of therapeutic response between asthma,COPD, and ACOS patients by evaluation of spirometric findings

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Zahra Pakzad
Mohammad esmaeil Hejazi
Horia Shojaan
Niusha Kalami
Veghar Hejazi
Tahereh Vaezi


Therapeutic response, Asthma, COPD, ACOS, spirometry


Asthma and Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD ) both are a common public health problem that affects a large portion of population. Nearly 20% of patients with obstructive lung disease have fea-tures of both asthma and COPD called ACOS that GOLD_GINA guidelines defines as persistent airflow limitation with several features of asthma and several features of COPD. Yet there is a little data available about diagnosis and treatment of this entity and current study aimed to compare therapeutic response between asthma, COPD and Asthma-COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS) subjects through spirometric data. In the present cross-sectional study, 30 known patients with mild to moderate asthma, 30 known patients with mild to moderate COPD and 30 known patients with mild to moderate ACOS according to GOLD_GINA guidelines were enrolled. We assessed post bronchodilator the ratio of the forced expiratory volume in the first one second to the forced vital capacity of the lungs (fev1) and the forced expiratory volume in the first one second to the forced vital capacity of the lungs (fev1/fvc) in all patients. Then they took stan-dard treatment for 2 months and after this period spirometry was repeated. Spirometric data’s changes was compared between the three groups by SPSS26 statistical software. Fev1 changes in response to treatment did not differ significantly between three groups (p > 0.05) but fev1/fvc changes differed significantly and this parameter in asthma was more than ACOS and in COPD was least. (In asthma, spirometric symbol-ized therapeutic response is more significant than ACOS, and in ACOS, it is more important than COPD in terms of fev1/fvc changes) and there was not any difference between the three groups regarding to FEV1 changes.


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