Biomechanics analysis on Jejag kick of pencak silat

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Rumi Iqbal Doewes
Gunathevan Elumalai
Siti Hartini Azmi


Biomechanics, Jejag Kick, Pencak Silat


The force in the pencak silat jejag kick is called the moment of force or torque. The force moment is a mea-sure of the force that can cause an object to rotate around the axis where the axis of rotation is located at the knee joint with the length of the calf as the length of the arm (the radius of the rotation axis). This research was conducted using laboratory biomechanical analysis. The research sample consisted of three male ath-letes of pencak silat. Previously, anthropometric measurements were carried out in the form of measuring calf length and calf muscle mass, then taking videos of athletes doing jejag kick movements in a static state with targets, which were then analyzed by kinovea. Research results showed that the technique of the jejag kick pencak silat produces a force called the moment of force or torque. Sample 1 produces a force moment of -12.00 Nm, sample 2 produces -5.53 Nm, and sample 3 produces -8.73 (negative sign means the direction of the pencak silat jejag kick is counterclockwise). The magnitude of the force moment is influenced by the angle of knee extension and the radius of the rotation axis. The amount of force moment affects the kick speed. In the speed of a movement, there is a tendency to keep moving, which is called the moment of inertia. The fasterthe movement, the greater the moment of inertia. The result is a force moment, influenced by the rotational kinetic energy that is owned and requires effort. Every effort is made to produce a force moment; it takes power to drive the effort. This means that the greater the angle of extension and the longer the calf, the greater the force moment, the faster the kick speed, and the greater the moment of inertia. This requires a large amount of rotational kinetic energy, effort, and power

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