The efficacy and safety of vitamin C administration to women with history of premature preterm rupture of membrane in prevention of such event in current pregnancy: Randomized controlled clinical trial

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Alaq Saeed Abdulhussain


reterm premature rupture membrane, vitamin C, pregnancy, predisposing factors, Iraq


Background: When rupture of membrane happens before onset of labor, the condition in obstetric practice is defined as “Prelabor rupture of membranes (PROM)” leading to leakage of amniotic fluid through ruptured chorioamniotic membranes and the conditions happens before thirty-seven weeks of pregnancy the term “preterm PROM (PPROM)” is applied. Lack of vitamin C has been suggested as a predisposing factor and vitamin C supplementation has been suggested as a preventive measure.

Aim of the study: This study was aimed to determine the efficacy and safety of administration of vitamin C women with history of premature preterm rupture of membrane in prevention of such event in current pregnancy.

Patients and methods: The present randomized controlled clinical trial was performed in Maternity and Children Teaching Hospital in Al-Diwaniyah province in Iraq. It included 100 women with previous history of premature preborn rupture of membrane who were randomly allocated into 2 groups. The first group, the study group included 55 women who received vitamin C supplementation orally staring from 14 weeks gestation and the second group, the reference group was the placebo group (n = 45). Data regarding age, previous abortion, body mass index, number of previous pregnancies and previous abortions were obtained and outcome variables included gestational age at which rupture of membrane happened, gestational age at which delivery happened and birth weight were collected.

Results: Vitamin C was able to significantly increase the GA at rupture or membrane (p = 0.033), form 29.00 ±2.92 weeks to 30.11 ±2.21 weeks. Vitamin C was also able to significantly increase the GA at birth (p = 0.019), form 32.04 ±2.88 weeks to 33.31 ±2.43 weeks. In addition, Vitamin C was also able to significantly increase the birth weight (p = 0.019) from 1951.10 ±869.72 gram to 2409.10 ±613.44 gram.

Conclusion: Vitamin C Administration to women with previous history of Premature Preterm Rupture of Membrane is efficient and safe in prevention of such event in current pregnancy.

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