Estimation of Renin enzyme activity and some biochemical parameters among chronic renal failure patients in Tikrit city

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Tafaoul Jaber Hameed
Muna Mohammed Ibraheem
Maysam Adnan Mezher


Chronic renal failure, Renin, spartate Amino Transferase Alanine Amino Transferase, Albumin, Globulin, Calcium, Sodium, Potassium


Chronic renal failure is a deficiency and failure in the excretory function of the kidneys, which causes a general imbalance in the body by retaining and accumulating nitrogenous waste and harm-ful substances as a result of metabolic reactions. Other functions of the kidneys, such as the regula-tion of fluids and electrolytes, may also be affected. This study’s primary purpose is to estimate some parameters in the serum of chronic renal failure patients. Data and blood samples were obtained from 90 patients with chronic renal failure and 50 healthy volunteers for this cross-sectional study, con-ducted between 11 April and 26 July 2022. The results of this study show a considerable rise in the level of renin enzyme in patients (4.824±0.045) compared to the control (2.86±0.39), a high level of ALT in patients (19.56±8.13) compared to the control (11.24±0.98), high level of ALP in patients (95.34±67.71) compared to the control (38.81±5.14), high level of AST in patients (25.33±8.63) compared to the control (11.58±0.94), low level of albumin in patients with chronic renal failure (3.12±0.44) compared to the control (3.90±0.49), high level of globulin in patients with chronic renal failure (8.34±0.68) compared to the control (3.01±0.41), low level of calcium in patients with chronic renal failure (1.731±0.053) compared to the control (2.510±0.063), high level of potassium in the serum of patients with chronic renal failure (6.256±0.068) compared to the control (4.513±0.22), low level of sodium in patients with chronic renal failure (119.82±2.15) compared to the control group (143.76±2.11). According to this study, all physiological systems are significantly impacted by chronic renal failure. According to the results, chronic renal failure affects several electrolytes and liver function tests and causes a considerable increase in renin levels.

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