The effect of Favipiravir on liver enzyme among patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 infection: A prospective cohort study

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Ahmed Hamza Al-Shammari
Mohammed Abd Ali Shahadha


ALP, ALT, AST, bilirubin, COVID-19, favipiravir, liver function tests


Teratogenicity and hyperuricemia are considered as the major adverse effects of favipiravir, but less is known about other possible side effects which includes drug-induced liver damage and renal injury. In the current research, assessment of favipiravir-induced liver injury was performed by evaluating liver enzymes among patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 infection.A prospective cohort study was conducted on 66 patients diagnosed with mild to moderate COVID-19 infection who were treated with favipiravir for 5 days. During this period, a baseline assessment of liver enzymes (aspartate aminotransferase – AST, ala-nine transaminase – ALT and alkaline phosphatase – ALP) in addition to bilirubin before initiation of ther-apy and after 1 day of completion of therapy were carried out. The comparison of all measured parameters among all patients before and after receiving the treatment showed that non-significant differences were obtained in their levels. It was noticed that COVID-19 patients demonstrated high AST levels in which only 16 patients out of the all-subjected cases (66 patients) had AST levels of less than 45 U/L whereas the major-ity of patients showed normal ALT, ALP, and bilirubin levels. It was concluded that 5 days administration of favipiravir in mild to moderate COVID-19 patients who had no previous liver diseases did not affect the liver enzymes significantly and only transient elevations were occurred.

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