The reality of organizational health in the Central Iraqi Football Federation from the point of view of those who manage the implementation of the annual curriculum

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Saba Ghadhban


organizational health,, annual Curriculum, , reconnaissance sample,, horst equation


The aim of this research is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of organizational health in the Iraqi Central Handball Federation from the point of view of those who manage the implementation of the annual curriculum, and adopt a descriptive approach in the method of studying the case. This is based on a sam-ple of administrators of the Iraqi Handball Federation curriculum [trainers, governors, members, presi-dent, the 138 members of the Central Federation’s Administrative Authority, the President, members of the sub-federations of the sports market (2021/2022) selected deliberately by 100% and then divided into statistical analysis sample (30), reconnaissance sample (10), and application sample (98)]. The regulatory health questionnaire in its Italian version was prepared to suit the specificity of the research and the type of sample it was assigned in accordance with systematic sequential steps for its acceptance of the main measurement cad actor in this research. This was then applied to address the problem researched, and its data were processed by the system (SPSS) to make conclusions and applications that help regulatory health in support of the efforts of the Central Handball Federation to implement the annual curriculum from the point of view of those who manage its implementation, and help activate the role of sponsors to manage the implementation of the annual curriculum in the Central Handball Federation effectively, and was then applied to address the research problem. It has complementary factors that need to be available at a high level in the Central Handball Federation to help manage the implementation of the annual curriculum in full, and its specificity in managing the implementation of the annual curriculum in the Central Handball Federation requires comprehensiveness and the need for its elements to achieve a high level of it. It is necessary to support them in the formation of the Central Handball Federation to further activate the role of the worlds and determine their role and avoid feeling the loss of efforts, a careful and periodic review of the level of organizational health must be conducted before planning the annual curriculum in the Central Handball Federation, modifying the paths of weakness, supporting its strengths and taking into account its suitability in order to achieve the goals when implemented later.

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