Peculiarities of personality adaption to psychological traumas in neurotic disorders

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Dina R. Timutsa
Vladimir Mendelevich


neurotic disorders, anticipation, coping strategies, test of anticipatory solvency, mental disorders


Background and Aim: It is known that anticipatory processes play a leading role on the regulation of behavior. These processes act as a leading mechanism of the link in the mental regulation of behavior and activity. Violation of processes anticipates to a mismatch in the work of the adaption system, and, as a result, to maladaptive behavior. However, many issues related to the detection of anticipation disorders in various manifestations of diseases have been insufficiently studied. The most interesting features of individual prognosis depending on diseases.

Materials and methods: As part of the work, 29 people were examined - 25 women (86.2%) and 4 men (13.8%) with a diagnosis of "adaptive reaction disorder" from the ICD-10 section "Neurotic and stress-related disorders" (F43.2) at the age of 20-65 years. Clinical–psychopathological and experimental–psychological research methods were applied (V.D. Mendelevich's test of anticipation, L.A. Regush's "Ability to predict" test, Lazarus' coping test, clinical questionnaire for the identification and evaluation of neurotic states). Statistical analysis was carried out using the program "IBM SPSS Statistics 25". The Shapiro-Wilkes criterion, Pearson chi-square, Fisher exact criterion, Student's t-criterion, Mann-Whitney U-criterion, Kruskal-Walis H-criterion, Pearson correlation, Spearman correlation, and diagrams were used: columnar and span.

Results: the presence of solvency in general anticipation reduces the severity of coping strategies «distancing» (p=0,048, r=-0,371) and «escape - avoiding» (p=0,048, r=-0,370), also personal – situational anticipatory consistency reduces severity of «escape - avoiding» (p=0,017, r=-0,438).

Conclusion: the presence of interconnection between anticipatory abilities and coping strategies in disorder of adaptive reactions. Patients with developed anticipation abilities are less likely to use no constructive coping-strategies.

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