A comprehensive evaluation of knowledge and perceptions regarding geriatric dentistry among Saudi Arabian dental students Geriatric dentistry: Saudi students’ perspective

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Sami Aldhuwayhi


Geriatric dentistry, dental students, geriatric education, dental education


Objectives: The purpose of thestudy was to evaluate the knowledge and perceptions of Arabian dental students on geriatric dentistry.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted with a total of 100 participants were selected [25 from 3rd-and 4th-year students (Group I) and 5th-year students and interns (Group II)]. All participants were completed a three-part [(Part I (knowledge) and II (cognitive evaluation) and III (awareness and attitude of psychosocial and health problems)] questionnaire related to geriatric dentistry. The comparisons were made among the Groups. The data were analyzed using SPSS (Version 21.0.IBM Corp) software.  

Results: The responses on the knowledge of the geriatric population and their oral health (Part I) questionnaire among groups were not statistically significant (p >0.05). The knowledge mean scores comparison showed a significant relationship evident among the groups (p<0.05). Overall all Group II participants achieved the highest scores for Part I (p>0.05),  Part II (p<0.05), and Part III A&B (p>0.05).

Conclusions: The students belong to 5th-year, and Interns achieved high scores compared to 3rd- and 4th- years students. Dental students and interns in Saudi Arabia lack positive approaches to providing primary health care to geriatric individuals despite a rapidly growing geriatric population.


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