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Rabab Akhtar
Saeed Akhtar
Sobia Zafar
Zubair Farooq


Infants, feeding bottles, hospitals, diarrhea, caregiver’s hygiene


Bottle feeding, a longstanding practice for supplementing infant nutrition, poses a significant of food-borne pathogens transmission and subsequent gastroenteritis among infants, whose immature immune systems make them more vulnerable to these infections. It is responsible for 2.5 billion cases of diarrhea and 1.3 million deaths annually with severe cases leading to meningitis brain abscesses, and necrotizing enterocolitis (mortality rate:33%-80%). This study investigated the hygiene status of ready to use infant feeding bottles, and extent of facilities provided at Southern Punjab hospitals. Our analysis targeted potential sources of contamination and cross-contamination including formula milk/cow milk, water, and handler's hands. The findings revealed poor hygiene practices among caregivers, inadequate hospital facilities and high prevalence of bacteria (above acceptable limits by FDA) on 84% of targeted sources. However improved hygiene status was observed following food safety training for caregivers. To ensure safe feeding practices, we recommend hospitals adopt guidelines for proper sterilization, preparation, and handling of associated infant feeding bottles. These research findings will enable healthcare providers to develop targeted treatments, significantly reducing the spread of food-borne diseases and ultimately protecting infant health.

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