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Dr. Shubhangi Garthe
Dr. Chhaya Shinde
Dr Aryamol V.S.
Dr. Shruti Shirwadkar


Small incision cataract surgery, Intraoperative complications



Small incision cataract surgery is the most commonly performed surgery for Cataract in developing countries. This procedure is safe and effective to increase the output of cataract surgical services, at the same time affordable. The present study is undertaken to know the incidence of intraoperative complications and how best the complications can be minimized and treated.


A total of 125 cases studied from August 2022 to January 2023. Intraoperative complications were studied and managed. Visual outcome following these

Complications were studied by noting the best corrected visual acuity after postoperative 1st Day, 3rd Day, 7th Day, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 5 weeks, 6 weeks following surgery.


Intraoperative complications were Posterior capsule rent in 27 (21.6%), Iris Prolapse/dialysis 27(21.6%), Zonular dialysis 16(12.8%), Incision and tunnel related complications 8(10%), Descemet’s detachment 10(8%), Capsule related complications 22(17.6%), Chemosis during peribulbar block 6 (4.8%), small pupil 5(4%), others like nucleus drop 2 (1.6%) of cases.

Following early detection and management of these complications the visual outcome was satisfactory after 6 weeks postoperatively. Best corrected visual acuity of 6/6- 6/18 was achieved in 98.4% of cases


Small incision cataract surgery is good technique which provides early and good visual outcome. Overall the complications of small incision cataract surgery are less and the procedure is well suited in our country, where there is large number of backlog of cataract cases.

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