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Dr. Tirumalrao
Dr. Bapugouda Mulimani
Dr. Jyothi L.
Dr. Amarvarma
Dr. Shweta Danaraddi
Dr. Geeta marishetter


Fungal, Infection, Morbidity, Mortality, Mucormycosis, Mycosis


BACKGROUND: Mucormycosis is a rare, rapidly spreading, fulminant, opportunistic infection that is caused by a group of filamentous molds. The present study was done to know the clinical profile of mucormycosis in the oral cavity, nose and paranasal sinus & to plan early diagnosis & treatment.


METHODS: The present prospective study was conducted at MRD Dept RIMS teaching Hospital, Raichur during the February 2021 to December 2022 among 100 patients diagnosed with mucormycosis were selected on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Each case's clinical and laboratory data were carefully documented utilizing a systematic proforma.


RESULTS: The mean age of patients was 50.23 years. The number of male patients was 63 and female patients were 37. Out of all the 100 patients 67 had hypertension, 55 had diabetes mellitus. Most structures involved clinically were sinus (34), palatal ulceration (37), mucosal erythema (60), tooth pain (48), mucosal edema (45), bone necrosis (34). Involvement of different structures was seen radiographically like maxillary sinus (91), ethmoid sinus (78), sphenoid sinus (60), frontal sinus (43), orbit (41), optic nerve (4), cranial (3), osteolysis (92), osteosclerosis (8) and soft tissue and spaces (43). The most common treatment used was FESS (97). Mortality was associated with 1 patient.

 CONCLUSION: Early indications and oral symptoms of mucormycosis are crucial in promptly diagnosing and treating patients to decrease the risk of death and illness.

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