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Misbah Tasleem
Dr Amara Akhtar
Attiqa Naseem
Muhammad Munawar Ramzan
Misbah Mobeen
Muhammad Luqman


Labeo rohita, Growth performance, Hematology, Weight Gain, Chromium Toxicity.


Aquaculture is the fastest fish-growing sector that meets the rising demands of food security worldwide. Chromium toxicity from human activities exerts significant threats to aquatic life. The present study was conducted to evaluate growth performance, hematological, liver and kidney enzymes and histological harms because of chromium accumulation in Catla. It also showed the ameliorative effects of cumin against chromium toxicity. The fifty-two juveniles were split equally into four treatments. T0 was the control treatment (commercial feed). T1 was treated with chromium (8mg/L). T2 was treated with Cumin seed extract (10g/kg). T3 was co-treated with Chromium (8mg/L) and Cumin seed extract (10g/kg). Highest weight gain, absolute weight gain, Specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio and feed intake were observed in treatment T2 with mean values of 98.124±52.06, 388.06±1.022, 1290±0.843, 0.92±0.492 and 344.00±0.592 respectively while the minimum values were observed in treatment T1 with the mean values of 75.136±42.10868, 318.27±0.984, 1070+1.954, 0.060156, 1.79±0.492 and251.43±0.00365 respectively. RBCs, hemoglobin, hematocrit, MCV, MCH and MCHC were significantly increased in T2 with the mean values of 2.99+0.643, 15.80±0.843, 38.07±0.15, 119.3±0.66, 50.03±0.11 and 41.70±0.16 respectively while minimum values in T1 with the mean values of 2.57±0.01, 12.40±0.11, 31.01±0.09, 113.3±0.66, 45.95±0.11 and 38.89±0.16 respectively were recorded. Results of biochemical analysis showed that significant increment in the activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) 258.27±0.37, alanine transaminase (ALT) 8.03±0.11 and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) 232.43±0.33 in T1 was observed while minimum mean values alkaline phosphatase 200.71±0.33, alanine transaminase 5.67±0.12 and aspartate aminotransferase 212.01±0.52 were observed in T2. Maximum creatinine and urea with mean values of 2.02±0.01 and 49.25±0.29 respectively were recorded in T1 while minimum mean values of 0.62±0.01 and 30.78±0.03 respectively were observed in T2. More histological damages were also observed in T1 as compared to T2. However administration of Cumin significantly (P < 0.05) restored all the above-mentioned damages instigated by Chromium. So the findings of the current study proved that Cumin may be used as a therapeutic compound against heavy metal Chromium-induced toxicity in fish.

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