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Dr. Smithkumar Narendrakumar Modi
Dr Maulik Pradipbhai Panchal
Dr. Chintan Pravinchandra Patil
Dr. Karmarajsinh Dilipsinh Vaghela
Dr Vidhi Atul Kumar Modi


Thrombocytopenia, platelet transfusion, bleeding, dengue, malaria, disease management


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the clinical characteristics, etiologies, laboratory findings, and management of patients diagnosed with thrombocytopenia in a tertiary care setting.

Methods: A cross-sectional, hospital-based study was conducted in the Department of Medicine at a tertiary care institute over two years. The study included 80 patients aged 14 years and above with platelet counts below 100,000 per cubic millimetre. Patients with thrombocytopenia secondary to cirrhosis, malignancy, chemotherapy, or congenital disorders were excluded. Clinical history, physical examination, and laboratory investigations were performed. Treatment included platelet transfusions and disease-specific therapies based on clinical presentations. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.

Results: Most patients were aged 21-30 (27.5%), and 57.5% were male. Hemorrhagic manifestations were observed in 60% of patients, while fever and joint pain were present in 50% and 37%, respectively. Splenomegaly was noted in 26.25% of patients, hepatomegaly in 11.25%, and hepatosplenomegaly in 10%. Dengue (33.75%) and malaria (26.25%) were the leading causes of thrombocytopenia, followed by megaloblastic anaemia (15%) and cirrhosis (13.75%). Bleeding manifestations were present in 22.5% of patients, with mucosal bleeding being the most common (61.11%). Platelet transfusions were given to 21 patients: 7 with platelet counts below 10,000/mm³ and 14 with counts above 10,000/mm³. Disease-specific treatment was required for 73.75% of patients, with most having platelet counts above 10,000/mm³.

Conclusion: Infectious causes, particularly dengue and malaria, were the most common etiologies of thrombocytopenia. Bleeding was more prevalent in patients with lower platelet counts. Early cause identification and appropriate management, including transfusions and disease-specific treatments, were crucial in improving outcomes.

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