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Dr. Gullali
Dr. Maryam Hussain
Dr. Wahaj Ul Hassan Khan
Dr. Ayesha Laraib
Dr. Amjad Khan
Dr. Naeem Ullah


Critical Care, Ischemic Stroke, Magnesium Sulfate


Objective: To assess the efficacy of MgSO4 on functional outcome of patients presenting with acute ischemic stroke

Study Design: Quasi-experimental study

Place and Duration:  Intensive Care unit, Tertiary Care Hospital Peshawar, April 2022- September 2022.

Methods: Patients of either gender between 45-80 years, presenting within 24 hours with clinical features and CT/MRI findings of acute ischemic stroke were included in the study. Non-probability consecutive sampling technique was employed and participants were placed in Group M (received MgSO4) and Group P (received placebo). Demographic characteristics, Mg levels, NIHSS scoring at admission, discharge and after 01 month were recorded parameters.

Results: Total 110 participants having male to female ratio of 2.2:1 with a median (IQR) age of 61.5years (57-65) were included. Hypertension was most common comorbidity in 55 patients (50%). Median (IQR) serum Mg levels at the time of admission were comparable among groups. After 48 hours of treatment, serum Mg levels were significantly greater in Group M as compared to Group P. Assessment of functional outcome by using NIHSS among groups at the time of discharge revealed significant improvement in patients who received Mg as compared to placebo (p-value 0.041). After a period of 01 month, functional outcome using NIHSS revealed median (IQR) score of 09 (8-10) in Group M as compared to 10 (8.6-12) in Group P (p - 0.004).

Conclusion:    Intravenous MgSO4 improves functional outcome in acute ischemic stroke patients at discharge and at follow up after 30 days.

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