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Dr. Shabnam Wazir
Dr. Zafar Haleem Baloch
Dr. Ubaidullah
Ambreen Anjum
Dr. Sofia Jadoon
Dr. Saima Bashir


HRCT, Trans bronchial lung biopsy (TBLP), IP, Occupational Lung Diseases


Objective: Aim was to determine the histology of pulmonary fibrosis in idiopathic vs occupational lung diseases.

Study Design and Place: This Descriptive study was conducted at Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Khyber Medical University, Peshawar

Methods: Total 160 cases of pulmonary fibrosis were presented in this study. Surgical biopsies of all patients were taken and went for CT scan.  Imaging professionals had no access to all clinical data, including patient demographics, pathologic diagnoses, and results. The CT results were compared to survival, physiologic measures, symptoms, and the histopathologic evidence of fibrosis. To compare continuous variables, a t test was employed.

Results: Males were higher in numbers 97 (60.6%) than females 63 (39.4%). Presented patients had mean age 52.5±3.42 years. Dyspnea, cough and crackle was the most common symptoms and signs. We found abnormal HRCT findings in all cases. Agriculture was the most common occupational fibrosis found in 48 (30%) cases and 35 (21.9%) patients had smoking history. 102 (63.85) cases had transbronchial lung biopsy among all cases.

Conclusion: The prognosis for IPF is worse than that of other ILD. The diagnosis of ILD and OLD is greatly aided by TBLB and HRCT. Only when a patient has no contraindications to surgery and we are unable to diagnose a patient based on clinical, pathologic, HRCT, or TBLB results is surgery saved.

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