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Deepak Kumar Awasthi
Dr. Arvind Kumar Shukla
Ashwani Gupta




India’s economy is dependent on agriculture. Maintaining strong crop yields for food, medicine, and commercial uses is essential as the world’s second-largest population. Applications based on IT are frequently utilised for disease identification. By analysing images of different plant sections, data science-based computer vision systems are incredibly effective at detecting diseases in their early phases. It takes a lot of human skill to diagnose the condition by eye inspection, which is a difficult task in and of itself. The disease diagnosis for supervised machine learning approaches for leaf images is critically reviewed in this work. The application of supervised machine learning as a general concept is described. Based on the symptoms of a disease extracted  in the form of features, a disease in plants can be identified. Thus, feature extraction methods are crucial in these systems. There is extensive discussion of the Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT), and Random Forest (RF) approaches, as well as a brief discussion of relevant recent works are presented. It offers a thorough analysis of various visual characteristics for various illnesses in different atmospheric conditions. 

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