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Dr. Garima Kejriwal
Dr. Kirti Singh
Dr Rupali Singh


urinary tract infection, preterm delivery, premature rupture of membrane, post-partum sepsis


Background- The prevalence of bacteriuria is the same in pregnant and non-pregnant women. Pregnant women are at the risk of recurrent bacteriuria. Without treatment, 30 to 40% of these pregnant women will develop symptomatic UTI. Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a widely prevalent problem in developing countries like India. This leads to adverse maternal and fetal outcomes, which could have been avoided by preventing the urinary tract infection. Despite increase in hospital-based ante-natal checkups and more deliveries in hospital than at home which has significantly reduced maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality, maternal and fetal deaths due to complications from urinary tract infection still occur which should ideally be prevented.

Aim - ‘‘Assessment of maternal outcomes secondary to symptomatic urinary tract infection in pregnancy’’.

Methods and materials: This is a prospective cohort study which was done in the department of pediatrics Medicine and    Obstetrics and Gynecology at Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical college and associated hospital Indore from January 2021 to January 2023. Pregnant women who were booked in my hospital for their antenatal care were included in the study. Pregnant women  with symptomatic urinary tract infection with significant growth in urinary culture were taken as cases and others were taken as controls. Maternal outcomes were assessed at delivery. Comparison of quantitative variables were done using independent t- test or Wilcoxon rank sum test. Comparison of categorical variables were done using Fisher’s Exact test. All significant variables were analysed using logistic regression.

Results and conclusion- In our study preterm premature rupture of membranes was more among the case  than controls with OR of 2.697 which was statistically significant (95% CI- 1.423- 5.11, p=0.001) Preterm delivery and post-partum sepsis were also statistically significant with OR of 3.162 and 3.972 respectively. Primigravida, multifetal pregnancy, low maternal education, past history of catheterization, urinary tract infection, and anemia were statistically significant risk factors for the development of urinary tract infection.

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