Amelioration of Kinaesthesia in Pregnant Women Using Pezzi Ball Exercises: Randomized Controlled Trial

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Fayiz F. El-Shamy1, Ahmed El Saied M2 , Shereef Lotfy Elshwaikh3, Eman A. Elhosary1, Ibrahim Mohamed Hamoda4 , Rania Elsayed Abdelaleem5


Pregnancy, Kinaesthetic exercises, Postural stability, Pezzi ball


Some modifications to posture and gait occur during pregnancy which affect balance and increase the risk of falling. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to examine the short-term impact of kinaesthetic training on pregnant women's postural balance. METHODS: Thirty pregnant women were randomized to either the intervention group (KEG; n=15) which received kinaesthetic exercises on the Pezzi ball and standard care or the control group (CG; n=15) which received the standard care only. Performance and postural stability were measured using a balance check board 636-1 (BCB) and Mini-BESTest at 28 weeks gestation (WG),32 WG, and 2 weeks postpartum. RESULTS: Within-group analysis, performance, and postural stability increased significantly in KEG (p< 0.05) between 28 WG and 32 WG and between 28 WG and 2 weeks postpartum. There was no statistically significant difference in KEG performance and postural stability between 32 WG and 2 weeks postpartum (p >0.05). Between-group analyses, there was no statistically significant difference in performance and postural stability (p > 0.05) before treatment between both groups at 28 WG, with a significant difference (p<0.05) between both groups at 32 WG and 2 weeks postpartum. CONCLUSION: kinaesthetic training improves performance and postural stability during pregnancy and 2 weeks postpartum

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