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Najma Bibi
Ms Madiha Mukhtar
Mr. Muhammad Afzal


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy- l, Insomnia, Breast Cancer


Background: Insomnia is a common issue among patients with cancer with a potentially devastating impact on quality of life. It can be caused or exacerbated by multiple disease and treatment-related factors. Evidence of sleep disturbance in cancer patients can have a negative impact on health-related quality of life, which includes physical and psychological functioning

Objective: To assess the severity of insomnia among breast cancer patients. To evaluate effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy- I on patients with insomnia among breast cancer patients.

Methodology: A quasi-experimental study was conducted at the Cancer Department Allied Hospital Faisalabad Punjab. The study participants were breast cancer patients. Purposive sample of n=45 participants was recruited. A validated questionnaire of consisted of 07 items was used. Each participant was individually questioned at the cancer department. Once the data was collected, it was entered into SPSS version 24.

Results: The results of study revealed that majority of participants age between (41-50 years) was (51.7 %), mostly female 59(98.4%), 56(93.4% participants was married and participants attend primary was 22(36.1%), matric 23(37.7%). Results reveals that pre intervention mean ranks were (87.12) which significantly decrease after intervention (33.88). A significant difference was found between insomnia scores before and after intervention as evident by P<0.05. 

Conclusion: Therefore, it can be concluded that there is an effect of CBT-l intervention on insomnia among breast cancer patients.

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