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Tariq Mahmood khan
Omair khan
Salma Shazia
Nadia Munir
Asad Mahmood
Aftab Tanoli
Rabia Zulfiqar
Haq Nawaz


Knowledge, forensic science, forensic odontology, general health and dental professionals


In this study, dental practitioners in Pakistan were asked about their knowledge and familiarity with FO. Another goal was to create resources to provide basic information about FO and highlight the significance of dental records. The ethical committee authorized the investigation's approach (#09208-22-2023). There was a cross-sectional investigation. The study population included all dental and general health professionals working in various settings such as Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad, Pakistan, and Lahore Medical & Dental College, Lahore, Pakistan, including dental faculty members of different dental specialties. The analysis of the data was done with SPSS 26. The p-value of less than 0.05 was found to be statistically significant. There were 55.7% participants were dental professionals following 44.3% participants were general health professionals. 40% were residents, 37.3% were academic specialists, and 22.7% were consultants. Almost 8.1% of the respondents were having poor knowledge about forensic odontology. Yet, 89.7% of all respondents had no information received about this branch. Most of the respondents reported that only 31.9% doctors knew that they can use dentistry as evidence with significant p-value of 0.000 while 61.6% does not focus on this point. As per study approach, 74.50% dental professionals and 44.60% general health professionals have thought that if forensic odontology would emerge as other professions then it will increase the clinical significance while 17.30% dental professionals and 22.40% general health professionals have thought that it will enhance the efficiency of investigation process. It is concluded that according to the latest research, general health practitioners are less knowledgeable than dentistry professionals. Nevertheless, this situation can be improved by adding forensic odontology to Pakistan's forensic science and dental science curricula. Dental practitioners must keep oral records since they are also helpful from a medico-legal perspective. General health and dentistry professionals must constantly update their understanding of forensic odontology.


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