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Ahlam mohammed abdullah almuteri
Maram Habelis Dhwab Al-Mutairi
Nadia abdullah almuteri
Nawal Battah Aqeel ALDHAFEERI
Salma madloul herbd aldafeeri
Turkiah Nodad mlfy Alotaibi
Norah Mesfer Ali Shayu
Anifah sahan gadban alshammari
Bakheet Abdullah Aldossari
Hamdan khalid hamdan alshammari





Improving patient safety and care quality in long-term care (LTC) settings requires maintaining ideal nursing staffing ratios. This study examines the complex link between nursing staffing levels and care outcomes in long-term care (LTC) facilities by synthesizing findings from an extensive literature analysis and empirical investigations.

The study of the literature emphasizes how important registered nurse staffing is in determining the standard and effectiveness of patient care. Concerns raised by nurses regarding dangerous staffing ratios in long-term care institutions emphasize how urgent it is to solve staffing issues in order to reduce hazards and enhance safety.

Systematic evaluations highlight the requirement for sufficient staffing to prevent care delivery omissions by showing a consistent correlation between nurse staffing levels and missed nursing care. Empirical studies also show how staffing affects turnover rates, which emphasizes the significance of staffing ratio optimization for improving service continuity and quality in long-term care settings.

This research offers useful insights into the intricate interactions between nursing staffing ratios, patient safety, and care quality in long-term care (LTC) facilities by combining evidence from various studies. As a result, policymakers, administrators, and healthcare providers can use this information to optimize staffing practices and enhance outcomes for LTC residents..

Abstract 25 | pdf Downloads 1


1. “Impact of Staffing Levels on Safe and Effective Patient Care” - This literature review discusses the impact of registered nurse staffing levels on the quality of patient care and outcomes1.
2. “Nurses Say Staffing Ratios In Long Term Care Facilities Are Unsafe” - An article highlighting the concerns of nurses regarding staffing ratios in long-term care facilities and their impact on safety2.
3. “The association between nurse staffing and omissions in nursing care: A systematic review” - A study examining the link between nurse staffing levels and missed nursing care3.
4. “Patient-to-nurse ratios: Balancing quality, nurse turnover, and cost” - An article discussing the balance between patient-to-nurse ratios, quality of care, nurse turnover, and cost4.
5. “The associations between staffing hours and quality of care indicators in long-term care” - Research on how staffing hours relate to quality of care indicators in long-term care settings5.
6. “Nursing Staff Time and Care Quality in Long-Term Care Facilities: A Systematic Review” - A systematic review summarizing evidence on the relationship between nursing staff coverage, care hours, and quality of resident care in long-term care facilities6.
7. “The Impact of Nurse Staffing on Turnover and Quality: An Empirical Analysis” - A study analyzing how nurse staffing affects turnover rates and care quality7.
8. “Nurse Staffing Levels and the Quality of Care in Hospitals” - A paper exploring the relationship between nurse staffing levels and the quality of care provided in hospital settings.
9. “Staffing Levels and Quality of Care in Health Care Settings” - An analysis of how different staffing levels impact the quality of care in various health care environments.
10. “Nurse Staffing Ratios: Implications for Patient Safety and Quality of Care” - A discussion on the implications of nurse staffing ratios for patient safety and quality of care.

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