Ensuring Safe and Effective Medication Use in Healthcare Facilities

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Maryam Abdallah Almutawa , Abdulelah Baqer Alshaikh, Harun Baqer AlShaikh, Ali Abdulkarim Ali Alhamad , Mohamed Abdulhadi Mohamed Alamer, Ali Hussain Ali Alkhalifah , Murtada Radhi Aleissa, Ibrahim Ali Alessa , Hussain Naji Hussain Aldandan, Rehab Hussain Matooq Alsultan , Mahdi Mohammed Saleh Alawadh,.Hassan Ali Al Omran




Various strategies have been implemented by healthcare organizations to enhance medication safety. This review aims to comprehensively review evidence on established and emerging best practices for medication safety, their impact on patient outcomes, and challenges associated with implementation.The findings are discusses under key themes of medication safety protocols, pharmacist involvement, clinical decision support systems, computerized physician order entry, barcode medication administration, and recent advancements

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