Dimensions of Healthcare Service Quality and Their Measurement

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Mahdi Jari Abdul Alharthi, Ali Mohammed Salem Alqarni , Mana Salem Abdullah Alqarni , SAEED MOHAMMAD ALI ALQARNI,ATEF ABDULLAH ALSHIHRI , Mousa mohmmed albargi, NASSER Mohammed ALSHEHR, Mohammed Moubayt Albarqi


Measurement, Healthcare Service Quality, and SERVQUAL


Worldwide, both public and private healthcare institutions have been concerned about service quality. Numerous studies investigating what determines service quality and how it can be measured have been conducted as a result of the increased emphasis on patient-centered care. The goal of this paper is to examine and synthesize the body of published knowledge that is currently available in order to comprehend what constitutes high-quality healthcare services, their underlying dimensions, and the methods used to measure them. A review of the literature was conducted using the EBSCO and Google Scholar databases, covering important studies in the area of healthcare service quality, service quality dimensions, and its measurement. Aspects of the medical and non-medical aspects of healthcare service quality were used to present the findings. Conclusion: Patients evaluate dimensions of healthcare service quality differently depending on the context. Over gap score-based models, perceptions-only measures are dominant in the evaluation of healthcare quality. Additionally, the construct of healthcare service quality and its measurement have primarily been done from the perspective of the patient; the perspective of the provider regarding the healthcare service quality has not been taken into consideration

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