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Anaemia, Pregnant women, Presenting with Labour
of leading cause for low birth weight. Anaemia accounts for 16% of maternal deaths in India. In India despite of effective and expensive preventive and therapeutic measures, the prevalence of anaemia among pregnant women remains high. There for the knowledge of the socio-demographic factors, obstetrics factors and antenatal factors associated with anaemia will help to formulate multi-pronged strategies to attack this important public health problem in pregnancy.
Objectives:The objectives of this study were 1.To estimate the prevalence of anaemia in women presenting in labour 2. To identify socio-demographic and obstetric factors associated with anaemia in late pregnancy. 3. To evaluate role of antenatal care factor in anaemia among pregnant mother.
Methodology: The Prospective longitudinal study was carried out at Obstetrics & Gyaecology Department of tertiary care Hospital, for the period of one year. Total 400 pregnant mothers presenting with labour are enrolled as study participants. Appropriate statistical test was applied when needed.
Results:Overall prevalence of anemia among the pregnant women was 76.25% of this 54.25% were moderate-very severe anemia. Factors such as lower socio-economic status (89.74%), poor educational status (85.51%), rural area of residence (81.12%), lower age at first childbirth ,higher parity (>3 children- 88.37%), late trimester at booking visit (At T3-88.68%) and lack of treatment with haematinics were found to be significantly associated with the prevalence of anemia in pregnancy.
Conclusions: The prevalence of anaemia is higher among pregnant mother presenting at late trimester of pregnancy. Various socio-demographic, obstetrics and antenatal factors such as low socio-economic status, poor education, rural residence, early age at first childbirth, high parity, booking in late trimester and lack of oral iron prophylaxis are associated with presence and severity of anaemia among pregnant women.
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