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Kerry Joy
Sacha Dubois
Carrie Gibbons
John Hargadon
Michel Bédard


Clinical pharmacology, Aggrenox®, Dipyridamole, acetylsalicylic acid, acute renal failure



Aggrenox® is used in the secondary prevention of stroke. Acute renal failure, potentially associated with Aggrenox®, has been observed in several patients.



The objective of this study was to determine if Aggrenox® was associated with acute renal failure and to determine whether it was acetylsalicylic acid, dipyridamole or the combination that led to decline in renal function.



A case series of three patients suffering severe nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, renal dysfunction and clinical decline during Aggrenox® therapy was examined. Serum creatinine and Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) were measured to evaluate renal function.



Analysis of this patient group revealed that Patient 1 experienced nausea, emesis, anorexia, diarrhea and significant clinical decline during treatment with Aggrenox®. Patients 2 and 3 also presented with complaints of nausea and emesis. Lab measurements along with clinical symptoms indicated that all three patients experienced acute renal failure, having increases in serum creatinine of 186%, 144% and 249%, respectively. Symptoms and lab work returned to baseline following discontinuation of Aggrenox®.



It is biologically plausible that Aggrenox® may contribute to renal dysfunction in patients under certain pathophysiological circumstances.

Abstract 162 | PDF Downloads 224


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