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Piedad Mary Martelo Gómez
Heybertt Moreno Díaz
Raul José Martelo Gómez


Dentistry, interactions, facial development, oral health.


In this study, focused on craniofacial alterations from the dental perspective, identifying the key factors that play a fundamental role in developing these conditions is sought. Through a detailed analysis of the interactions between these factors with the MICMAC technique, it was intended to improve the understanding of the complexity of craniofacial disorders and facilitate the planning of more effective and personalized treatments. The obtained results offer a solid basis for the design of comprehensive and efficient clinical strategies that meet the needs of patients with craniofacial malformations, thus improving their quality of life and general well-being. This multidisciplinary approach is intended to empower dental professionals to make informed decisions and optimize treatment outcomes in this complex and diverse category of conditions.

Abstract 112 | PDF Downloads 44


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