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Riyadh Essa Ageeli
Sultan Khalid Alsop
Abdulaziz Mohammed Almadouh
Mohammed Dafer Alahmary
Souad Mohammed Alenazy
Asma Marei Alqahtani
Saad Mohammed Alrowaidhan
Aljawharah Mamdouh Alkhamshi
Fatimah Barjas Alenezi
Naimah Barjas Alanazi
Ghada Mohmmed Alzaid
Meshal Hameed Alshammari
Shaeya Muhammad Mater Al-Shammari
Salem mohammad al mlale


Critical Care Units, Innovative Work Behavior, Staff Nurses, Organizational Culture.


This study aimed to understand the impact of transformational leadership on innovative work behavior among nursing staff in Pakistan. Data was collected from 587 nurses  and 164 doctors. Results showed that transformational leadership positively influenced psychological empowerment, intrinsic motivation, and knowledge sharing behavior. Empowerment role identity moderated the link between transformational leadership and psychological empowerment, while willingness to rely on and share sensitive information with the leader moderated the connection between knowledge sharing  and innovative work behavior. The study assessed staff nurses' perception of organizational culture and its impact on innovative work behavior in critical care units at Benha University Hospital. Results showed that the highest mean score of nurses' perception was related to organizational learning, while the lowest was related to creating change.  The highest mean scores of innovative work behavior were related to idea championing and implementation. Recommendations included enhancing organizational learning through in-service educational programs, reducing resistance to change through communication, and supporting innovation as a job requirement.  

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