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Badr Mansour Fahd bin Nafisa
Muhammad Nahed Madath Al-Sakhabra
Mufarreh Saad Muhammad Al-Kubra
Hossam mosa alsuwairi
Ziyad Talal Alotaibi


blood glucose monitoring, nonvasive, images, artificial intelligence, diabetes


Blood glucose monitoring is critical aspect of managing diabetes, a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Traditional methods of monitoring blood glucose levels involve finger pricks and blood samples, which can be painful, inconvenient, and often lead to poor compliance. In recent years, the development of non-invasive blood glucose monitoring systems has been a major area of research. This paper examines the use of images and artificial intelligence (AI) in the development of a non-invasive blood glucose monitoring system. By analyzing images of the skin, AI algorithms can accurately estimate blood glucose levels without the need for blood samples. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way individuals with diabetes manage their condition, making monitoring more convenient and less invasive.

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