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Shivi Nijhawan
Anviti Gupta
Manisha Nijhawan


leprosy, deformities, Nerve Function Impairment


Background: Leprosy or Hansen’s disease is a chronic granulomatous infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae which primarily affects the peripheral nervous system, the skin, mucosa of the upper respiratory tract and eyes, apart from certain other tissues. The crippling deformities resulting from leprosy deeply affect the quality of life of the patients and result in extensive loss of manpower and economic loss to the society.

Aim: The present study is undertaken to describe the clinical pattern of the disease and the prevalence of deformities in leprosy patients.

Method and materials: We aimed to study the clinical pattern of leprosy and the deformities registered for a period of last 10 years.

Results: In our study, out of the 228 patients, 103 patients (45.1 %) had deformities. The most common deformity was grade 1(64 patients) which is sensory impairment.

Conclusion: In our study, we encountered significant number of deformities which emphasize the importance of routine assessment of Nerve Function Impairment of all leprosy patients.

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