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Urmila Devi
Ayushi Kapoor
Rishu Kumari
Saurabh Kumar
Anil Kumar
Rajesh Sood
Manthan Kumar
Dr. Parveen Kumar


Tuberculosis, Stigma, Associated factors


Introduction: Controlling tuberculosis (TB) is severely hampered by the stigma associated with the disease, which causes non-adherence and delayed diagnosis. But not much research has been done in India on the stigma associated with tuberculosis. The current study set out to investigate the prevalence of TB-related stigma and the predictive variables linked to it among TB patients. The State of Himachal Pradesh.

Methods: A cross-sectional survey was carried out at the Himachal Pradesh Hospital with the outpatient population. A questionnaire measuring stigma associated with tuberculosis, treatment status, anxiety, social support, doctor-patient communication, and other factors was used to gather data. To find the predictors of stigma connected to tuberculosis, a multiple linear regression model was utilized.

Results: We recruited 120 qualified volunteers in total. Regarding stigma connected to tuberculosis, the mean score was 10% and the median was 11. The mean ratings for anxiety, social support, and communication between the physician and patient were 4.03, 25.41, and 17.17, in that order. A multiple linear regression analysis showed that patients with anxiety, self-assessed moderate or severe disease, and gender were associated with higher levels of TB-related stigma.

Conclusion: This study examined the frequency of stigma associated with tuberculosis and the factors that are associated with it in tuberculosis patients. The stigma associated with tuberculosis was widespread among the participants. Female patients with anxiety and a self-assessed moderate or severe disease were more likely than their peers to have a high level of TB-related stigma

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