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Rohit Chauhan
Prof. Seema Vinayak


Adolescent, Digital gaming, Decision making, social characteristics, Teamwork


Although many studies have linked video gaming with decision-making, fewer studies have examined the relationship between video gaming and participative decision-making. The central assumptions posited that engaging in “Video gaming” would lead to a notable enhancement in “Teamwork” skills while diminishing children's inclination towards “participating in decision-making” processes. The research gathered data from 60 physically and mentally fit adolescents, ensuring a minimum of 12 months of video gaming experience. Structure equation modeling using SmartPLS4 was used for hypothesis testing. The findings indicated that an escalation in video gaming activities correlated with a reduction in decision-making participation, although no statistically significant relationship was identified between video gaming and teamwork. The results revealed an approximately 20% variance in decision-making participation when gaming was a predictive variable. Further, no significant moderation was found because of gender in the relation between gaming and participative decision-making

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