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Dr. K. Balasankari
Dr. A.B.Anu
Dr. M.Anupreya
Dr. S. Asfiya Safira
Dr. Karthika.P
Dr. M. Sathish Kumar


Oral oncology, Squamous cell, Histopathology


Introduction:Oral cancers, including squamous cell carcinomas, account for over 90% of cases and 128,000 fatalities annually. India has one of the highest occurrences, with males accounting for 22.9% of all deaths. Causes include HPV infection, alcohol consumption, smoking, chronic irritability, infections, and genetic diseases.

Case presentation:A 69-year-old male patient with diabetes and hypertension reported difficulty opening his mouth and persistent pain. A previous surgery revealed a recurrence of carcinoma of the right buccal mucosa. An excisional biopsy confirmed the condition, highlighting the patient's history of smoking and tobacco use. 

Management and prognosis:A right hemi mandibulectomy was performed, with a 2-year follow-up regimen, and no evidence of recurrence.

Clinical Implications:Squamous cell carcinoma of the buccal mucosa is an aggressive oral cancer with poor survival and higher recurrence rates. Regular examinations are recommended for diabetic patients.

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