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Ms. Priyanka Joshi
Mr. Muzaffar Ahmad Makrani
Ms. Vandana Dagar


J.S.Y, MCH, ANC, PNC, Utilization, ASHA


Objective: This systematic review was performed to assess the present state of utilization of Janani Suraksha Yojana throughout this transition period from 2010 to 2020.

Methods: Inclusion criteria for selection of studies were: 1) studies from India. 2) articles published in peer-reviewed journals, 3) Any kind of quantitative study reporting JSY services 4) English language only 5) Postnatal women.  All studies were reviewed and assessed.

Result: Many research studies examining the impact on health outcomes have found insufficient evidence regarding effects on maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity outcomes. While four studies showed that JSY (Janani Suraksha Yojana) was effective in increasing institutional delivery rates, none of the research indicated a significant correlation between the implementation of JSY and a reduction in maternal mortality. Majority of the studies conducted in low performance state as comparison to high per formance state.

Conclusion:  This study informs the planning of maternal health programs, emphasizing key considerations for schemes employing conditional cash assistance to enhance both maternal and child well-being

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