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Background: Recurrent herpes labialis (RHL) is a disorder with serious health and social consequences and which affects most Healthy Student. However, high degree of research paucity pertaining to its prevalence was observed, especially from Pakistan.
Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the Prevalence of Recurrent Herpes Labialis (RHL) among health school students in Pakistan.
Materials and Methods: In this prospective study, 180 BDS students and 340 MBBS students taken from three medical and dental colleges Demographic data such as age, gender and risk factors, namely stress, menstruation and common cold, were recorded. Further, data regarding history of itching, fever, malaise and burning on lips followed by vesicles and frequency of lesions and duration were also recorded. After clinical examination site, size and nature of lesion were noted on a clinical pro forma. Results were compared statistically, and P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: 99% of them are single and 70% live with their families. Among 347 students 141 developed RHL in the past years. Percentage of students who developed RHL is 41%. Prevalence of RHL in male is 17% and in females is 23%.
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