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Saqlain Raza
Nasim Gul
Haider Ali Khattak
Arisha Rehan
Muhammad Imran Farid
Anum Kamal
Dr Jai Singh Rajput
Sajid Mukhtiar
Aziz Ullah


transfer learning, deep learning, ensemble learning, brain tumor classification, PCA, machine learning


The Classification of brain tumors plays an important role in determining the treatment plan, course of therapy and survival rate. A new technique is proposed in this work for classification of brain tumors based on pre-trained neural networks and a stacking algorithm. Then our method begins with drawing multiple pre-train CNNs on T1 weighted images of MR brain scans where it extracts features from these. Afterwards, an ensemble of these features are used as input to a single layer stacking algorithm, which stacks together the predictions of several base classifiers to arrive at the final prediction. We evaluate our method on two publicly available datasets of brain MRI scans and show it can detect lesions with superior accuracy compared to other methods. In our approach using a pre-trained CNN allows us to leverage the transfer learning concept because the CNN had been trained in advance on a huge image database and extracted relevant features for the task of classifying brain tumors. An enhanced accuracy is achieved through a combination of various base classifiers with a stacking algorithm. The results of our study demonstrate that we have a promising method of categorizing brain tumors and improving healthcare provision.

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