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Dr. Anuj Bagga
Dr. Kumar Jee Kaul


Chronic kidney disease, Glomerular filtration rate (GFR), Cockcroft-Gault equation, Echocardiographic profile, Cardiac dysfunction, Albumin excretion, Serum creatinine, Creatinine clearance, LV mass, IVSd (interventricular septal thickness in diastole), LVPWDd (left ventricular posterior wall thickness in diastole), LVIDd (left ventricular internal diameter in diastole), CKD stages, Echocardiography, LV function, LV dysfunction, Cardio renal syndrome


Background:- Chronic kidney disease can be defined as the presence of kidney damage, manifested by abnormal albumin excretion or decreased kidney function, quantified by measured or estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR), that persists for more than three months. Although creatinine clearances can be calculated from the serum creatinine concentration by using either the Cockcroft-Gault equation. The need of this study, giving analysis of cardiac dysfunction and early management of patients suffering from chronic kidney disease.

METHODS:- we analysed a total of 122 patients and divide them into different staged of CKD according to their calculated eGFR by Cockcroft-Gault equation and kept 20 patients is in control group, which were evaluated from cardiac function by mean of echocardiography. Other parameters like weight, age, serum creatinine were used to calculate eGFR and IVSd, LVPWDd, LVIDd were used to calculate LV mass.

RESULTS:- Among patients of CKD 20.5% were females and 79.5% were males. The mean age group was 52.09 years. 8.2% patients were in CKD stage 1, 9.8% patients were in CKD stage II and stage III, 24.6% patients were in stage IV and 47.5% patients were in stage V. The mean creatinine clearance was 28.48. 30.3% patients with normal LV function, 22.1% with mild LV dysfunction, 24.6% patients with moderate LV dysfunction and 23.0% patients with severe LV dysfunction. The mean LV function was 43.39. In concern with LV mass 27.0% patients have severely abnormal LV mass, 23.0% have moderately abnormal LV mass, 19.7% have mildly abnormal LVmass and 30.3% patients with normal LV mass. The mean LV mass was 249.78 gms.

CONCLUSION: - In this study, we conclude that, patients having chronic kidney disease had significant cardiac dysfunction. Hence, LV mass increases with increase in stage of chronic kidney disease and LV dysfunction also increases with increase in staging of chronic kidney disease.

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