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Sohail Noor
Amin ur Rehman
Dr. Shahid Iqbal
Dr. Mahmood Iqbal
Engineer Waheed Ur Rehman


Precipitated calcium carbonate, Food grade calcium carbonate, Ground calcium carbonate, food, pharmaceutical


Globally, different types of industries have been using precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) from decades. Yet some recent studies have shown that there are some novel uses/applications of PCC in food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries beyond traditional applications. It can be used in old materials which have already been prepared with variations or in the development of new materials. This paper critically summarizes the basic production methods, uses/applications, recent development and ongoing activities, specifications, and regulations for the use of food-grade PCC materials. The review would allow academics, researchers and industrialists to learn about the material and innovations that have occurred in the last few years. Moreover, this paper provides an update of the most recent and relevant findings about the selected material application in different types of industries. The review paper also focuses the future research needs and provides new insights and directions for the application of PCC in related industries.

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