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Diabetes Mellitus, Moringa Oleifera, Blood Glucose, Glycated Hemoglobin
The current study is aimed to determine the effects of three different dosages that is 100, 200 and 300mg/kg of moringa leaves extract on blood glucose levels of alloxan induced diabetic as a potential treatment strategy in the treatment of DM
A comparative experimental study was conducted on n=100 young Wistar rats divided into five groups. Laboratory condition was maintained at temperature of 20 to 250C and were exposed to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark cycle.
Between the group Analysis were performed that provided significant evidence in favor of group D in comparison to other experimental groups where the values of HbA1C were significantly lowered p< 0.05 than values in group D and group E
The study had concluded that MO leaves extract had a therapeutic effects in managing high blood glucose levels in diabetes patients.
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