Aggressiveness Analysis of Erwinia carotovora Isolates and Screening of Selected Commercial Potato Cultivars against Soft Rot

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Javed Kamar, Abida Akram, Naveed Iqbal Raja, Muhammad Tahir, Ali Imran, Sajid Hussain


cultivars, maceration, susceptible


Being cash producing, potato crop has great importance in Pakistan. Soft rot caused by Erwinia carotovora is one of the important bacterial diseases of potato. Due to damaging of potato crop by soft rot it was essential to study the pathogen and to find out the resistance sources. On the symptomatic basis diseased tubers samples were collected from different areas of Sialkot and Rawalpindi. For the confirmation of Ecc staining and biochemical tests were done. The results confirmed the presence of gram negative rod shaped bacteria with white cream circular colonies. A total of the ten isolates of Ecc were isolated and tested for their aggressiveness on ten healthy selected potato cultivars. The isolates Ecc 5 group was found to be the most aggressive which caused severe and sudden rottening of tubers. The isolates Ecc 8 group was found to be a moderately aggressive due to intermediate level of maceration in tubers. But isolates Ecc 1 group was found to be low aggressive which caused slight rottening of tubers. The total weight, numbers and diseased tubers obtained from entire production were also estimated.  Out of ten potato cultivars Barna and SH-651 were found highly resistant. Rodeo was found highly susceptible with 13% maceration rated 4 on 0-7 rating scale, while, SH-692 and Aladin were found (MS) moderately susceptible rated 3 on rating scale.

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