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Lalit Kumar Singh
Kiran Srivastava
Manoj Bajaj




Background:The  role of gender and psychosocial variables like place of living, drug users in the family, family type in context of drug knowledge attitude and belief, risk-taking behaviour and spiritual well-being in the young adult population is poorly understood. We examined the role of place of living, gender and  drug users in the family, family type on drug knowledge attitude and belief, risk-taking behaviour and spiritual well-being.

Methods: Online cross-sectional data (n = 548) covered 5-6 provinces and 6 universities of India. The assessment included scales like Drug knowledge attitude and belief, spiritual well-being, and Risk-taking behavior respectively.

Result: chi-square test, t-test, Mean and Standard deviation revealed that there is significant difference between drug using respondents and family members using drugs. Urban and rural locality had significant difference among respondents using drug but same was not true in case of family members using drugs. There was a significant difference between place of living and family type.

Conclusion: Drug knowledge attitude and belief, attitude toward drug use, risk-taking behaviour, and spiritual well-being had significant differences in case of family type.   There are high numbers of respondents  not having family member taking substance. Place of living and use and non use of substance by family member has significant difference.

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