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Parul Sharma(PT)
Dr. Rajiv Kumar Tonk
Manoj Malik
Deepak Panwar


Novel, Iontophoresis, Herbal Gel, Knee osteoarthritis


The most prevalent musculoskeletal disease is osteoarthritis (OA), which impairs daily functioning, particularly in the elderly. According to the WHO, it is one of the most common causes of disability in developed countries. Even though it often affects the knee joints, osteoarthritis (OA) can affect any joint. Over the course of OA, pathological lesions are caused by an imbalance between the processes of cartilage tissue injury and healing. The illness advances over time and is influenced by both personal characteristics and outside circumstances. Long-term effects include decreased physical activity and condition, weariness, sadness, and disability, as well as a decline in sleep quality. Despite this, no treatment has been able to adequately stop or slow the progression of osteoarthritis (OA), provide long-lasting clinical relief, effectively stop the structural degeneration of bone and cartilage, or properly correct any structural flaws that already exist. The primary objective of this study was to assess the effects of new iontophoretic herbal gel (containing Symphytum officinale) with exercise therapy on the pain, function, sleep quality, and gait patterns of participants with osteoarthritis in the knee. This case report describes a fifty-year-old man who experienced an unintentional injury to his right leg and was experiencing abrupt onset pain and stiffness in his right knee. This case study covered evaluation, patient history, and treatment plan. This case study discovered that the patient's discomfort, function, sleep quality, and gait patterns are significantly impacted by the therapeutic intervention that was given.

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