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Lakshmi Singh
Anju Gahlot
Atul Kumar Singh
Poonam Kushwaha


Non communicable disease, risk factors, prevalence


Introduction: Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in India have increased from 37.9% in 1990 to 61.8% in 2016. They are slowly progressive and are of long duration and are responsible for more than 50% of the global burden of disease . There are very few studies conducted which studied the prevalence of risk factors in the non-communicable diseases among medical students. In the present study authors observed that most of the students are at risk to develop NCDs, and the cumulative effect of risk factors bundles-up and eventually leads to diseaseas students advance through their life.

Aim and objective: To estimate the prevalence and associated risk factors of NCD amongst medical students.

Material and Methods: This was a cross sectional analytical study involving 362 undergraduate students of Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Mandhana, Kanpur using simple random sampling.

The study used a pretested structured questionnaire which was conducted by using the WHONCDSTEPS approach. A suitable statistical analysis was carried out where data analysis was done by using MSExcel and software SPSS version 26.

Results: Our study results showed that there was a prevalence of  physical activity in female students with 51% and in male students 48.9%, which was almost equal. Junk food consumption had overall prevalence of 69.34% in females out number males in junk food consumption. Association of BMI with NCD as a risk factor was statistically significant in current 75 smoker only.

Conclusion: There is a huge opportunity to reduce modifiable risk factors and NCD among our future doctors by encouraging them to change their behaviour-related lifestyles such as smoking habits, alcohol use and junk food.

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