Guazuma tomentosa and Abutilon indicum - A Novel Mixed green inhibitor for acid corrosion of aluminum alloy

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Anusha B, Rajabhuvaneswari Ariyamuthu, Jeevalatha Rugmangathan, Balamurugan Arumugam


Corrosion inhibition, mixed inhibitor, Aluminium alloy, structural analysis


The study of ethanolic extract of corrosion inhibition on the aluminum alloy in 1M HCl and 1M H3PO4 by a mixed inhibitor (GTLE +AILE) has been studied at different temperatures viz., 303, 308, 313, 318, 323 K by gravimetric method and electrochemical measurement. The inhibition efficiency increases with increasing concentration of inhibitor and decreases with the rise in temperature of both the acid media. The potentiodynamic polarization study confirmed that the inhibitor acts as a mixed type of inhibitor, controlling the anodic and cathodic corrosion reactions. The inhibitive action of the extract revealed that, the adsorption of mixed inhibitor on aluminium alloy follows physisorption mechanism. The adsorptive behaviour of the active constituents was carried out by UV-visible, FT-IR spectroscopic studies. Surface morphology was examined by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) which was confirmed the existence of a protective film of mixed inhibitor molecule on the aluminium alloy surface.

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