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Dr Ezmat Jalil
Dr. Enam Ahmad
Dr Rajmangal Chowdhary


non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, Incremental AUC, triglyceride


Background and Objective: Modest elevation of plasma triglycerides and lowering of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol are the characteristic features of dyslipidemia in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance. This study aim of the present study is to assess the effect of oral fat load on serum lipids in NIDDM subjects

Materials and Methods: This study was conducted at the Darbhanga Medical College and Hospital, Laheriasarai, and comprised 21 controlled diabetes and 11 age-sex-matched controlled subjects. All diabetes were the cases of non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients with no history of Ischemic Heart Disease, non-hypertensive, and controlled either on oral hypoglycemics or only on diet control. The institutional research committee approved the research protocol.

Results: Fat load is inefficiently metabolized in diabetic patients, even when the disease is mild and controlled. The study also confirms earlier observations that different factors influence post-prandial lipemia in different subsets of individuals.

Conclusion: Based on the previous studies and based on the results of the present study it can be concluded that such a protocol might help in detecting persons in high-risk groups even when their fasting values are within normal range.

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