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Waqas Ali Haider
Dr. Abdul Ghaffar
Aisha Iftikhar
Dr. Abdul Haseeb
Dr. Asma Aziz
Abdullah Yousaf
Muhammad Yasin Ayoub


Surrogacy, Infertility, Socioeconomic Impacts, Surrogate Mother, Religious Perspective


The human instinct to reproduce has been fundamental since ancient times, and infertility has far-reaching emotional, social, economic, and cultural implications. The contemporary world is witnessing a reproductive revolution, with alternative modes of reproduction gaining acceptance. Surrogacy, a method involving the implantation of sperm in the ovum in the uterus of a surrogate mother, has emerged as one such alternative. While this arrangement offers benefits, it also has profound social, economic, and religious implications. This article critically examines the convergence of social, cultural, and religious aspects of surrogacy, particularly within the framework of Islamic injunctions. It argues that the widespread use of surrogacy can erode moral standards, foster economic malice, violate basic human rights, and directly contradict religious and moral injunctions. The article aims to raise awareness of pressing issues and emphasizes the need for future research to pave the way for collaborative religious studies.

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