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Dr. K. Atchuta Kumar


Nephrotoxicity, Acute renal failure, Chronic renal failure, Biomarkers


Drug-induced nephrotoxicity is influenced by various risk factors, such as drug overdose, drug-drug interactions, and drug-related side effects. Given the continued necessity of utilizing some nephrotoxic medications within the clinical context, it is imperative to acquire a comprehensive grasp of the pathogenic mechanisms underlying their nephrotoxic effects. This knowledge is essential in order to mitigate the occurrence of renal injury.  A comprehensive understanding of risk factors linked to particular patient populations and specific drug classes, in conjunction with prompt identification, therapeutic drug monitoring with dosage modifications, and timely implementation of prospective interventions, are crucial for the prevention and improved management of these conditions. The majority of cases of drug-induced renal toxicity can be reversed if detected and treated promptly in the early stages, thereby preventing progression to end-stage renal failure. This study provides a comprehensive overview of various forms of renal failure, encompassing its diagnosis, therapy, risk factors, and preventive measures pertaining to drug-induced nephrotoxicity.

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