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H. I. Farrukh


oral infections, oral health, alternative treatments, ENT infections, natural antimicrobials, natural compounds


Oral health plays a crucial role in preserving overall welfare. It involves conserving the delicate balance in the oral bacterial community, where beneficial microbes defend against external pathogens. However, when this balance is disrupted, the body becomes susceptible to a extensive range of infections. To combat fungal, bacterial, or viral threats, synthetic medications are commonly used. Nevertheless, these drugs can lead to undesirable outcomes, including toxicity, side effects, and drug resistance. As a result, research has shifted its focus towards seeking safer and more effective alternatives. Specifically, there is growing interest in developing new designs based on natural compounds. This article provides an extensive overview of plant-based, and bee product-based solutions that have been explored for their anti-microbial characteristics. Its goal is to comprehensively present the latest advancements in preventing oral infections within the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) field.

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